Intensive - When We See Children the Way We Are - Not the Way They Are
The following three day Working Model of the Child Training includes the June 21, 2019 event “Seeing Children the Way We Are- Not the Way They Are” which is a pre-requisite and included in the WCMI intensive training. If you have already registered for the Friday June 21st training and wish to attend the additional Saturday and Sunday training days. Please contact Zach Kulhan: 312.893.7719 or There is not early registration discount for the 3 day training
About this Event:
This training presents the Working Model of the Child Interview (WMCI), a semi-structured interview developed by C. Zeanah, D. Benoit, and M. Barton that assesses the caregiver's perceptions, feelings and thoughts about their child and their relationship with the child. The interview elicits the caregiver's narrative about the child, focusing on the caregiver's subjective experiences from the time of pregnancy to current interactions. While the interview identifies themes related to content, meaningful characteristics of the caregiver's representation of the child and the relationship can also be inferred from the organization, features, and affective tones of the caregiver's narrative. The information gathered from this interview can be used to develop treatment goals. The interview takes approximately 60 minutes to administer.
Please note that this training has been developed for clinicians with knowledge of infant and early childhood mental health and with experience in administering clinical interviews.
Intensive Format:
Intensive participants will learn to administer and clinically interpret the WMCI. The 3-day workshop will include instruction, videotape review, and group discussion of the clinical themes portrayed and the practical application of the WMCI in clinical settings.
The three day intensive training has been approved for 16.5 hours of the following continuing education credits:
- Social Work (6 hours)
- LCPC (6 hours)
- Early Intervention (5.5 hours) Psychology (6 hours)