Serve and Return: Responding to Neurobehavioral Cues
In this workshop we’ll examine the ways in which young children attempt to participate in a relationship with adults and, perhaps more importantly, our role in responding to their attempts.
Approved by Illinois Early Intervention Training Project for:
- 1.5 hours in Working with Families
- 1.5 hours in Intervention
Behavior in the service of expressing emotions, self regulation and participating in relationships might look messy and might even be confusing and challenging to the child development professional.
In this workshop we’ll examine the ways in which young children attempt to participate in a relationship with adults and, perhaps more importantly, our role in responding to their attempts. We’ll explore the ways in which this serve and return influences brain development and lays the foundation for self-regulation. Participants will discuss concepts such as responsive caregiving, co-regulation, and social communication in the service of optimal growth and development.
Credit available:
- Early Intervention
- Social Work Continuing Education Units
- Continuing Education Units
- Introductions, Gather and Settle, Review Goals
- Define Important Terms,
- Discuss the meaning of a Relationship Based Service Delivery Model
- Working together, Co-Regulation
- Serve and Return: Effects on the Brain
- Questions, Comments, Discussion