Movement Matters: Movement and Behavior
There is more to movement than meets the eye! There is an ongoing, reciprocal and intimate connection between movement and all areas of a child development.
Approved by Illinois Early Intervention Training Project for:
- 1.5 hours in Typical Development
- 1.5 hours in Intervention
There is more to movement than meets the eye. There is an ongoing, reciprocal, and intimate connection between movement and all areas of a child's development. We know that prenatal movement is an indicator of growth, development, and health. We even know that, before they can talk, babies communicate through their movements. Observing the behavior of young children as they manipulate and move objects allows us to understand what and how they are thinking.
But, did you know that neuroscience research has found that movement improves attention, motivation, behavior and thinking skills? Like Miracle Grow for the brain, movement is not just in the service of gross motor development any more.
Credit available:
- Early Intervention
- Social Work Continuing Education Units
- Continuing Education Units
- Introductions, Gather and Settle, justification of topic importance
- Research findings connecting movement with attention, motivation, behavior and thinking skills.
- The reasons why movement has been called "miracle grow for the brain"
- Move it! Learn by Doing
- Workshop Wrap Up, Q & A