Anatomy Of a Meltdown: Fight, Flight, or Freeze
What is the difference between a tantrum and a meltdown? What strategies are most effective when dealing with tantrums and meltdowns? In this workshop we’ll take the perspective that all behavior has meaning.
Approved by Illinois Early Intervention Training Project for:
- 1.5 hours in Atypical Development
- 1.5 hours in Intervention
What is the difference between a tantrum and a meltdown? What strategies are most effective when dealing with tantrums and meltdowns?
In this workshop, we’ll take the perspective that all behavior has meaning. It’s easy to get overwhelmed, frustrated, and even angry when a child is having a meltdown. It’s not pretty and it’s not easy to live through for anyone! Utilizing a sensory processing perspective to help us understand what triggers a child’s meltdown, we’ll discuss the stages of a meltdown and how to determine what to do and how to help the child when a meltdown is occurring. By understanding the felt experience of what happens to the body when feeling under attack and helpless, child development professionals may be able to adapt the environment and support the child during and after a meltdown.
Credit available:
- Early Intervention
- Social Work Continuing Education Units
- Continuing Education Units
- Gather And Settle Introduction To Topic
- All Behavior Has Meaning The Differences Between Tantrum And Meltdown
- Stages Of A Meltdown Prevention/Intervention At Each Stage
- Utilization Of A Sensory Processing Approach To Understanding, Prevention And Intervention
- Final Comments, Questions, Discussion